Wednesday 21 November 2012

Textbook Example

We’re not above well-trodden, tired subject matter here - oh my, no! It’s up there with (trite thing) and (very trite thing), is writing about loopy politicians in general and American ones in particular, but bear with me for the sake of those who’ve just recently been dropped off by the stork as this one serves as an especially perfect example of the category…

Congressman Paul Broun (Georgia, USA) is a politician who, in an ideal world, would have chosen another line of work, or at least would be kind enough to keep his mouth shut more often.

Mr. Broun has hit the news recently for his bold and sanity-offending statements, including the idea that "evolution… and Big Bang Theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell"

Of course, Mr. Broun sits on the United States House Committee on Science and Technology. And before I forget, congratulations to Representative Broun on winning the recent election cycle to retain his seat. Actually, he ran unopposed, but I'm sure that doesn't diminish the sweet taste of victory.

That's enough for one day, I think, so I won’t bother to go into his comparisons between Obama and Hitler, or the current administration to Stalinist Soviet Union, which combined with the fact that he also sits on the Committee on Homeland Security would be an unnecessary cherry on top of this steaming lump of cosmic irony.

 Besides, he walked back many of those comments, and while his office later denied that he retracted anything, the whole matter has been put down to the media taking things out of context, so that’s sorted now.

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