Tuesday 28 May 2013

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Tanks

In a world where "wasteful" is an almost mandatory prefix to the phrase "Pentagon spending", another revelation of gross financial irresponsibility from the military budget would hardly make the news these days.

But this one's not your everyday $600 screwdriver.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Abercrombie and Bitch

Sharp-eyed viewers will have noted the monthlong gap since my last posting. It's not for lack of enthusiasm for chronicling the oncoming collapse of all we hold dear, or any loss of will to document the demise of civilization - no, it's just been mundane and unremarkable misc. 

Into the breach steps my lovely 1st wife Fahey, who has keyboarded this delightful guest blog post for your enjoyment. Check out more at her site, and I'll be back with reports from the schadenfreude symphony that is modern life soon enough!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Our Pets Deserve Better

The modern world may be crumbling around us -
but our pets can get Inner Balance from a box. 
If your pet is this stressed,
take a long hard look
at your life choices.