Sunday 9 February 2014

Spin, After a Long Illness...

Maybe I'm old, and my memory embellishes the carefree days of yesteryore, when someone would look you in the eye while fucking you over and actually, y'know, try to lie to you about it.

People used to put thought into their duplicity.  Make some effort at trying to pull the wool over your eyes.  Give a crap about giving you crap.  It was actually a sign of respect for you as an individual, that your feelings mattered somehow - more than that of an inanimate rock or spot of mildew, at least.

But could it be that those days are behind us?  Is it now acceptable to show blatant disdain for notions of fairness and morality, without so much as a shredded veil of euphemism or a thin pretense at weasel-words?  I fear this dark circumstance is upon us, and it's not what I wished for when I wished for the end of spin...

Monday 27 January 2014

Those Meddling Kids!

This is a tragic tale with all the usual elements required to make it the lead story on the local news - a car crash, injured children, and lawsuits.  But - spoiler alert! - there's a surprise twist waiting for you in a few paragraphs...

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Yes, Virginia, it Can Always Get Worse!

(OK I haven't posted in 6 months, what are you, the Post Police?  Just because the blog's been on hiatus,
doesn't mean our societal slide towards cancellation has been put on hold...)
Our regular reader (hi, honey!) will remember how last year, we disparaged certain pharmaceutical companies for their heartless, tone-deaf communication style.  We depicted their marketing guys announcing that they were denying lifesaving treatments for financial reasons while dancing atop a pile of yachts, in point of fact.

Well, it seems almost as though they read Why We're Doomed, and have taken our words to heart.  Their corporate communications have shown a remarkable transformation since then!

Whereas once they barely disguised their tactics of putting profits ahead of their customers' lives, those days are now behind us.  Today they don't bother to disguise them at all.