Sunday 18 November 2012

Special retrospective - Best Of "Why We're Doomed"

Every now and then it’s good to take a few moments and reflect on all we’ve been through together here at TIWWD, don’t you think?  But instead of bringing back old highlights, I thought I’d just put out new Doom this week.

So sit back, grab a numbing agent of your choice, and get ready to shaden those freudes!

  1. Microsoft: Waste Electricity, or Pay a Fine - Many computer companies must run large data centers - warehouse-sized collections of tightly-packed servers designed to run websites and services. They gobble electricity madly and require industrial-strength cooling.  But as is often the case, government can find a way to make things even worse…
  2. It’s no wonder this species can’t agree on how to run a country - we can’t even agree on how to make a bit of plastic slightly smaller.  I hope this story will inspire fresh generations of young legal hopefuls to complete their degrees so they can join the endless delights known to those who dwell in the world of patent law.
  3. And, here’s a little something I came across in a networking class, which impressed me so much I saved a copy - this is how a major tech giant’s training material explains computer viruses to its students:

    Get it?  Huh? Get it?

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